Home » Hosting » The 4 S’s of Choosing a VPS Hosting Provider – What to Know
June 15, 2020 by Tanya Aquino

The 4 S’s of Choosing a VPS Hosting Provider – What to Know

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One of the most basic factors to consider when having a website will be your hosting provider. Your web hosting service will upload your website on their server, making it available and accessible on the internet. Their job is to make sure your website has the platform it needs to remain up, given your expected traffic.

At the start, you might find yourself wondering whether to get a VPS hosting provider or a shared hosting one. While the price is a large determining factor, looking into the nature of both can point you to what exactly you might need.

Shared Hosting v.s. VPS hosting

Shared hosting and VPS hosting services will both be able to provide you with all the basic needs to get your website online. The large difference, however, is the scale that they’re working with.

A shared service, as the name implies, utilizes a server that’s “shared” by a large number of websites. VPS, on the other hand, limits it to a mere few—meaning their resources are more dedicated to a few websites at a larger scale.

This inevitably means that VPS hosting services are definitely more expensive, which is why many start with shared hosting upon the creation of their website. As you grow larger, you may consider getting a VPS hosting provider.

The 4 S’s to Consider

Before you start picking out a random VPS hosting provider, you should first consider if you’re picking out the right one for you. To help you in that regard, simply refer to the 4 S’s of selecting the best VPS hosting service for your website.

The Statistics

The best decisions are backed on data, which is why it’s crucial to check your web statistics before you shift towards a VPS service. Because VPS is much more expensive than shared hosting, shifting before you need it constitutes a large overhead before you actually need it.

The Skillset & Support

VPS hosting is quite a bit different from shared hosting. Shared hosting services often have IT personnel support to maintain the server and your website. By shifting towards a VPS service, you may actually lose this benefit.

Choosing an unmanaged hosting account can leave you without a person to help you, which is why ensuring you have dedicated personnel who understand how hosting works is necessary. If you don’t have this, then move towards a managed VPS hosting package that offers IT support for your website.

The Scalability

Your website will continue to grow from this point, which is why it’s important to choose a provider that can handle the scale you’re working with. If at some point you’ll need an upgrade, then make sure your service can scale along with you to accommodate the extra traffic.

The Spending Power

More services and bigger scales will definitely mean bigger expenditures, which is why it’s crucial to factor in your spending power. When you have all the basic data on-hand, you can start filtering through what resources you’re working with and what additional services you need. This way, you’re ensuring that you’re spending for just the right amount without losing out on much-needed service.


Your hosting service will be integral to your business, which is why ensuring you get the best one is crucial. Choosing a VPS service is a big choice and knowing a bit about whom you’re buying from can help you make more well-informed decisions.

Are you looking to get a VPS for your website? At I/O Zoom, we are a while label VPS reseller that guarantees security, stability, and service for your website. Get in touch with us!





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