Home » Company News » China Telecom CN2 Added to LA Network
September 21, 2017 by Kiet Duong

China Telecom CN2 Added to LA Network

The addition of China Telecom CN2 network is now available in the Los Angeles network blend. With this additional carrier, clients will benefit and receive significant network latency and throughput improvements for traffic that is being sent to, and received from, China.  Clients with traffic primarily in China will, for the first time, be able to reach Mainland China locations directly will no longer be subjected to less efficient routes. The Los Angeles network maintains private uplinks to both China Telecom and China Unicom.

Traffic to the US from China or Taiwan has historically suffered high latency and congestion due to over saturation by China ISP’s. With the addition of CN2 routes to and from Asia specifically mainland China and Taiwan will see a significant improvement. The Los Angeles network also consists of China Unicom, China Telecom, China Telecom CN2, GTT, Zayo, Cogent, Telia, Host.net, and direct peering with Google Drect, HiNet Taiwan, and Equinix Exchange. China Telecom’s CN2 coverage is shown below.




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